This project combines spatial analysis and computational design to develop a tool for exploring all of the potential locations for urban agriculture within New York City.
More than 16% of New York City's residents face food insecurity, while there are more than 30,000 acres of land potentially suitable for agriculture within the city.
The Little Apple is not a tool to just identify locations, it is a tool to empower community members to choose locations that fit within their cultural fabric.
It is the hope of this project that it is just the beginning of a larger push for resources and action in support of urban agriculture within NYC.
Completed as my capstone project for the MS Computational Design Practices program at Columbia University.
Tools & Techniques Used: Vue, JS, HTML, CSS, QGIS, Mapbox, Rhino, Grasshopper
The goal of this model is to utilize computational design to develop ideal bubble diagrams for architecture projects utilizing J files.
The only information needed to complete the model is room name, adjacencies, and floor.
Tools & Techniques Used: Rhino, Grasshopper, Python, JSON
This project utilized analysis tools in Grasshopper and Rhino in order to assess which streets would be most optimal for future open streets within New York City.
Conditions measured included area, summer shade, winter sunlight, path disruption, and total population within a two minute walk.
Tools & Techniques Used: Rhino, Grasshopper, DeCodingSpaces
Senior comprehensive project while at Allegheny College drawing upon the work of Dmitri Tymoczko.
I specifically sought out to both further explore what defines "chord space" as well as the potential for topologically composed music.
Through this project, we explore the creation of two new musical pieces through the topological manipulation of two existing pieces in different styles.
Tools & Techniques Used: Topology, LaTeX